360-degree view: OR 14 B - OR valve G 1/4", Standard
Exemplary representation: OR valve (standard model)
Schematic symbol: OR valve
360-degree view: OR 14 B - OR valve G 1/4", Standard
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Item description
Materials: Body: anodized aluminium, internal parts: brass and stainless steel (standard design: brass and plastic), seals: NBR
Media: oiled and unoiled filtered compressed air
Function: There is a signal present at output 2 only if there is a signal present either at input 12 or 14. If there are signals applied at both the inputs, the higher pressure is directed to output 2. The OR valve, being a passive element, does not have its own venting. Upon deletion of both input signals, venting takes place through the upstream valves.
All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.